Model Documentation and Code
Science Documentation
The older Java Climate Model included over fifty thousand words of documentation, with pages for each science module, interactively linked to its plots and parameters and plots.This will be revived and updated for SWIM, after the model itself is updated.
Plot/param labels and titles, and some doc pages, will be translated to several languages (as in JCM - this was found especially useful for education)
Source Code
You can already look at the Scala source code for the main science modules:First open the code-viewer (top right), then click on the cogs (in the oval layout) or headings (in columns layout).
A way to access other 'structural' code will be added later.
Please note: the source code is open to consult and eventually to experiment with, but SWIM is not free to fork, or to re-distribute elsewhere (including as a web-service).
If you have a project idea, please consult the author, who has put 20 years of work into this!
Next: History